Gerd G., 72
pharmacological expert

Gerd G., 72
pharmacological expert

The pharmacological expert Prof. Dr. Gerd Glaeske (born 1945) is an educated pharmacologist and pharma-critic. He is co-editor of the “Pill report 2015” by the Techniker Krankenkasse (Techniker health insurance company) and works on the periodically published publications “Bittere Pillen” (“Bitter pills”) and “Handbuch Medikamente” (“Medication guide”) by Stiftung Warentest (a German consumer organization). Since 2017, he is scientific director of the “Länger besser leben” institute (live longer better) in Bremen that belongs to the university of Bremen and the health insurance company BKK24.

Prof. Dr. Glaeske criticizes the insufficient situation of studies about the registered pills in Germany as well as the inadequate education of physicians. He equally appeals to users of the pill to inform themselves before going on the pill. The risks of the pill should be assessed differently than those of other medications because it is predominantly taken by healthy women that are not inevitably dependent on this product.

According to him, many doctors take part in unnecessary application observations. Those are studies financed by pharmaceutical companies that involve payments for the doctors when they prescribe new medications to their patients of which they note the side effects and return the results to the companies. This is no unusual way to make some extra money.